Jiwon Yu has produced sculptures, installations, and videos that trace the history and personal memories of certain sites and objects. He majored in sculpture as an undergraduate student and earned a master’s degree from the École Supérieure d’Art Annecy Alpes (ESAAA). Yu has held solo exhibitions such as Space Structuring (Finepapergallery, 2022), Just As Raw as They Come (Haedong Art & Culture Platform, 2020), and Le Regard (Iconoclastes Galeris, 2019) in Korea and abroad, and participated in numerous group exhibitions including Soft and Weak Like Water (Gwangju Biennale, 2023), Phase Variation (Ha Jung-woong Museum of Art, 2023), and White Magic City (Gwangju Media Art Festival, 2019). The artist has also won the 28th Gwangju Art Award in 2022 and the 23rd Ha Jung-woong Young Artist Prize in 2023.

Jiwon Yu

〈Phantasmagoria〉, 2023.

Jiwon Yu Visual commentary

〈Phantasmagoria〉, 2023.

Eunjung Lee

〈The Tree of All〉, 2023.

Eunjung Lee Visual commentary

〈The Tree of All〉, 2023.

This site created by Studio Particle