Adorable Big Brother

  • Period 2021.8.13~ 2021.11.14
  • Location ACC Creation Space6

Adorable Big Brother: On Never Being Able to be Alone Again

The Asia Culture Center is holding 2021 ACC Gwangju & Asian Artists Exhibition Adorable Big Brother: On Never Being Able to be Alone Again from August 13 to November 14, 2021. As part of the local artists exhibition series launched in 2017, the “ACC Gwangju & Asian Artists Exhibition” delivers contemporary social issues and discourses through the works of artists in Gwangju and Asia from the perspective of the humanities and arts.
The digitalization of everyday life in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution in the 21st century has changed the ways, purposes, and types of surveillance: from oppression to temptation, from production to consumption, and from control to exclusion. The pandemic that has evolved in the corner where Big Brother and Little Brothers meet accelerates the speed of the journey to a post-panopticon society. The epidemic that swept across the entire world has visualized the need for the monitoring and surveillance of the central government and transparent personal information sharing to prevent the pandemic and the discussion of every sector of the global village with respect to the infringement on the private life and human rights. Under the circumstances, the exhibition intends to provide an open platform that can contemplate common and different perspectives for the advantages and disadvantages of the surveillance society and make them public issues through the artistic viewpoints of contemporary Asian visual art.
The exhibition Adorable Big Brother delivers the brightness and darkness of our life where panopticon and synopticon coexist from the perspective of Asian artists. Through the various projects of the artists based in Gwangju and Asia, the exhibition aims to seek out the possibility for new criteria as to the social common good and individual dignity of today’s society that cannot but coexist with COVID-19 and provide an open opportunity to ruminate on the reality where no one can ever be able to be alone again.

Curated by Lucia Eunyoung KWON (Asia Culture Institute)




〈Thousand Little Brothers〉, 2021.

〈Orb v.4〉, 2021.


〈Zoo (Archive)〉, 2020.

DENG Yufeng

〈A Disappeared Movement,〉, 2020.

aaajiao / XU Wenkai

〈404404404〉, 2017.

〈URL.isLOVE〉, 2020.


〈It's the Wall World〉, 2014.

Yeon Sook LEE

〈Void Place〉, 2021.

LIM Yonghyun

〈Sweet Truman〉, 2021.

Zheng Mahler

〈The Master Algorithm〉, 2019.

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